Cibus Fair in Parma

From 7 to 11 May 2024
Cibus Fair in Parma

From 7 to 11 May 2024 LoST EU participated in the CIBUS PARMA 2024 Fair. As per the press release issued by the Parma Fairs Authority, the XXII edition of Cibus at Fiere di Parma closed with over 75 thousand presences (+25% compared to 2022 ). A record edition for the number of brands (3,000) and buyers (3,000) present. Among the key themes of the event are PDO and PGI products, which according to Nielsen’s analysis, if used as ingredients in industrial products contribute in sales outlets to a growth in value sales of +14% and volume sales of + 9.6%. Furthermore, the indication of the presence of PDO and PGI on the packaging increases the propensity to consume and induces the consumer to favor the purchase of premium products, incurring a higher cost. The participation in the Cibus Parma 2024 Fair was the opportunity to present the LoST EU sustainability project in a more informative way, reaching a large audience of sector operators, journalists and cheese lovers.
